Business Consciousness

Mastery of Leadership – Conscious Communication

Impactful Leadership calls for Mastery of Communication – Conscious Communication. If leaders pay attention to the context of conversations, the content will resolve itself much more easily, creatively, and sustainably. Effective communication is paradoxical in that it is often mistakenly associated with the content being conveyed. How a message is conveyed and the meaning attached …

Mastery of Leadership – Conscious Communication Read More »

Overwhelmed? When how you are gets in the way of what you do.

When you’re overwhelmed and when how you are feeling gets in the way of what you do best, what if you quietened those emotions? What if you quietened those emotions so that you have the clarity of mind to tackle those things you love doing and even those that you’ve been meaning to get to for so long? What if you create the possibility of getting into the flow of doing what you do best?

Communicating value is a top priority.

There’s no shortage of challenges facing sales leaders. These challenges include ensuring that consistent value is offered to retain existing accounts, implementing strategies to grow accounts and penetrate new markets and accounts, attracting, recruiting and rapidly onboarding top sales talent while motivating, coaching and mentoring existing sales talent, driving the implementation of sales processes and …

Communicating value is a top priority. Read More »

Intuition; Unconscious Consciousness, part 1

The challenge that we face in our fast paced activity charged lifestyle is that our automatic thinking and feelings have become primary drivers of the choices we make. The sheer volume of our in-completed activities consumes our consciousness and stifles our awareness and creativity. At the same time, we do have these moments of absolute …

Intuition; Unconscious Consciousness, part 1 Read More »

Intuition; Unconscious Consciousness, part 2

Some would define intuition as instinctive knowing.  Intuition is more than instinct.  Instincts are drives, innate and automatic, taking over with compelling authority when necessity calls. Whereas intuitions are readings, however instinctually informed, inviting not our submission but our attunement to and alignment with their message, however nonverbally structured that might be. So instead of …

Intuition; Unconscious Consciousness, part 2 Read More »